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Amy McBride explains in two concise minutes why your business needs a website.

You Need A Website IF...


You’re in a band, so you can compile all your madness into one footprint, making it easier for your groupies to spend money and drool in one place.


You’re an entrepreneur starting a small business, so you can show investors something better than a paper business plan, and you can walk away with a large sum of money.


You’re a writer and you need to promote your current work pre- or post-publication.


You’re an artist and want to keep a catalogue of your work and tell people where they can see your exhibits so they buy your art to keep you from starving.


You’re a landscaper, so you can flaunt your before and after pictures of your sharp skills, including those cool hedge animals you make.


You’re a pet sitter/dog walker and you want to save sweet little Fluffy from the crazy 6 year old neighbor who feeds her when they leave town.


You’re a tattoo artist, and you want to save people from going to that awful shop across town.


You’re a hair stylist and you want to be known for your balayage hair coloring skills and being booked out in advance.


You're reading this and considering whether or not you need one.

Do I Need A Website? Take the Quiz !

Directions: On a scratch piece of paper record your answers.  


If you have more than 4 B's, you should move to Alaska.  Specifically the wilderness, I'm not sure you're even ready for Anchorage.


1.  Am I passionate about something enough to want to get paid from it?

A. Yes.  I hate my 9-5 boss.

B. No, I'm a nihilist.


2.  Do I have a laundry list of tasks that need my attention and, therefore, need to delegate the most impactful part of my business to an expert?

A. Yes, oh my goodness that would be amazing!

B. No, I am a Type A and need to do everything, even if it means the mission on a whole may suffer.


3.  Do I have audio or visual components to my mission that I want people to easily access?

A. Yeah, check it out!

B. No, no one should see or hear anything I do.


4.  Could I benefit from any of the following?

A. List of your valuable customers

B. A way to sell things online

C. An easy to update list of offerings

D. A designated location to let your audience know where to find you


5.  Is appearing organized, professional and current important to you?

A. Hell YES. 

B. Socks with holes don't bother me, they're good for at least one more year.


6.  Have you looked at your competition and thought, "I can do this better than them!"?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Umm...


7.  Are you the creative type that:

A. Has lots of ideas but doesn't know how to organize them

B. Sees the value in online web presence but doesn't have the time to stop creating and update a website

C. Wants the world to know who I am

D. Knows your work will enrich someone's life


8.  Are you a start up business expecting fast paced growth and success?

A.  Yes! I want to vacation in tropical Palau by next year!

B.  I mean, I'm sort of intimidated by success...


Tabulate your results, and either contact me or order a pair of snowshoes on Amazon. This pair had the best reviews.



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